

Can Discussions about Girls’ Education Improve Academic Outcomes? Evidence from a Randomized Development Project (World Bank Economic Review, 2024) — with Christopher S. Cotton, Jordan Nanowski, and Eric Richert 

Correcting for bias in hot hand analysis: An application to youth golf (Journal of Economic Psychology, 2018) - with Christopher Cotton, Frank McIntyre, Ardyn Nordstrom, and Joseph Price

Working Papers

Impact of a Severe Drought on Education: More Schooling Does Not Imply More Learning (link) - with Christopher Cotton [Requested revision submitted]

Pedal-Powered Progress: Evaluating Multidimensional Girls' Education Programs with Optimal Full Matching (link)— with Christopher S. Cotton, Zachary Robb [Submitted]

Using Images as Covariates: Measuring Curb Appeal with Deep Learning (link) - with Morgan Nordstrom and Matthew D. Webb [Submitted]

It Takes a Village: The Impact of Community Mobilization Campaigns on Attitudes and Education (former job market paper—link

Understanding Education Outcomes in Zimbabwe: A Machine Learning Approach to Informing Program and Evaluation Design - with Aditya Maheshwari

Mass Reproducibility and Replicability: A New Hope - with Brodeur, Abel, Derek Mikola, and Nikolai Cook (and others) (link) [Submitted]

Trade, poverty, and food security: A survey with implications for East Africa (link) — with Huw Lloyd-Ellis

Works in Progress

Professional Research Reports

Earlier Unpublished Projects